Are You Done Being An Asshole?

Kit’s latest book …

Hey there, I’m Kit, and if you’re looking for sugar-coated tales and unicorns, you’ve come to the wrong place. Truth and honesty have always been my guiding stars, no matter how harsh the reality they reveal.

In the shadow of betrayal, we often find ourselves lost, questioning our worth and the fabric of our trust. It’s a journey marked by pain, confusion, and a profound sense of isolation. But remember, amidst the turmoil lies the seed of immense growth and understanding. 🌱💔

Throughout the last 2.5 years, I’ve embarked on a rollercoaster ride, a surreal yet undeniably real shit-show, and now, I’m here to lay it all bare. Betrayal, I’ve stared that evil beast down, it left me with scars deeper than anyone could fathom.

If you have been hurt by betrayal, or are the betrayer, grab a copy of my first book, “Are You Done Being An Asshole?” and join me on a journey through the carnage of betrayal.

As we navigate through the hurt, let’s embrace the lessons it brings – recognizing our strength, reaffirming our self-worth, and understanding that peace comes not from the actions of others, but from our inner resilience and forgiveness.

Together, we can transform betrayal into a bridge towards deeper self-awareness and healing. Your worth isn’t defined by others’ actions; it’s illuminated by your ability to rise, heal, and find peace within the chaos.

#HealingJourney #BetrayalToStrength #SelfWorth #PeaceAndUnderstanding 🕊️💖


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“They said I changed a lot. I said, a lot changed me…”

Kit Kingston-Gamble

Author and Relationship Mentor


Buckle Up for a Wild Ride: Dive into “Are You Done Being an Asshole?” A Blueprint for the Betrayer

Hey there, wonderful people! It’s me, Kit, bursting with excitement to share some incredibly exciting news that’s about to rock your world faster than a night on the tequila shots. Brace yourselves, because my latest book, “Are You Done Being an Asshole?” has officially hit the shelves.

Now, let me tell you a little something about this book – it’s not your typical run-of-the-mill read. Oh no, it’s a messy, real, raw, and unfiltered journey through the tumultuous waters of love, betrayal, and redemption. Nope, it’s a no-holds-barred, pedal-to-the-metal journey through the messy, unpredictable world of love, betrayal, and redemption. It’s the story of my husband Chris and me, navigating the treacherous terrain of broken trust and shattered dreams.

Don’t let that scare you off. In between the heartache and the tears, there’s a wealth of knowledge and understanding to be gained, wisdom to be imparted, and plenty of a-ha moments that’ll have you nodding in agreement.

From the highs to the lows, “Are You Done Being an Asshole?” is a testament to the unpredictability and uncertainty of life. It’s about embracing imperfections, finding strength in vulnerability, and learning to pick up the pieces when everything falls apart.

So, if you’re ready to dive headfirst into this wild ride of emotions, if you’re ready to confront the pain and anguish of betrayal, then grab yourself a copy of “Are You Done Being an Asshole?”

Alright, lovely people, that’s all for now. Remember, life’s too short to be an asshole! 

Sending you all the love and literary vibes,

Kit x


Navigating Betrayal: A Journey of Trust, Doubt, and Redemption

Hey there, recently, a comment surfaced on social media regarding my book, “Are You Done Being an Asshole?” that struck a chord. A woman claimed that the letter written by my husband Chris, within the book was fake news, and boldly predicted that divorce would be on the horizon within two years. While comments like these can be jarring, they present an opportunity for deeper reflection and discussion.

Now, addressing the skepticism surrounding the sentiment of the letter from my husband in the book. Understandably, readers may question the sincerity of such a deeply personal moment, especially given the sensitive nature of the topic. However, it was a pivotal moment in our journey toward redemption and reconciliation, a moment of raw vulnerability and honesty that I felt compelled to share.

As for the belief that my husband didn’t mean any of it, I acknowledge the doubt and uncertainty that may linger in the minds of some readers. Betrayal can cast a long shadow, clouding even the most heartfelt gestures of remorse and apology. However, the letter represents a significant chapter in our story – a moment of reckoning and reflection that shaped our path forward.

Betrayal can indeed lead to a lack of trust and bitterness, as experienced by the woman who commented. However, it’s also an opportunity for growth and introspection. Criticism and doubt are inevitable when sharing such a personal story, but rather than shying away, I welcome them as opportunities for deeper understanding.

Ultimately, “Are You Done Being an Asshole?” is a testament to the power of resilience, forgiveness, and the unwavering human spirit. I hope that this book serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for others grappling with their own struggles, reminding them that redemption is possible, even in the face of betrayal. So, I invite readers to approach it with an open mind and heart, knowing that every word is a testament to the journey toward healing and personal growth.

Kit x

The Cheating Epidemic: What It Means for Relationships and Society

Hey there, lovely people! Kit here, your friendly neighborhood relationship expert, coming at you with a topic that’s been on my mind lately: cheating. Yep, that dirty little word that can wreak havoc on even the strongest of relationships. So, grab your favorite beverage, cozy up, and let’s dive into this juicy discussion.

First things first, let’s talk numbers. Did you know that the rate of infidelity has been on the rise in recent years? According to a survey by the Institute for Family Studies, about 20% of men and 13% of women reported that they’ve cheated on their current partner. And those are just the ones who ‘fessed up! Yikes, right?

But what does this growing trend of infidelity mean for relationships and society as a whole? Well, buckle up because we’re about to unpack it.

For starters, let’s talk about trust. Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, but when cheating enters the picture, it’s like a wrecking ball smashing through that foundation. And it’s not just the trust between partners that takes a hit – it’s trust in relationships in general. With cheating becoming more common, it’s no wonder folks are feeling wary about committing to long-term partnerships.

But it’s not just about trust – it’s also about communication (or lack thereof). Cheating often stems from unmet needs or unresolved issues within a relationship. Instead of addressing these issues head-on, some folks turn to cheating as a way to fill the void. And let’s be real, communication isn’t always easy. But it’s essential if we want to build and maintain healthy, fulfilling relationships.

And let’s not forget about the ripple effect of cheating on society as a whole. When trust erodes and communication breaks down, it can lead to all sorts of social issues, from increased divorce rates to mental health struggles. Plus, the normalization of cheating in popular culture – just take a scroll through your favorite TV shows or movies – can further perpetuate this toxic behavior.

But here’s the thing – it’s not all doom and gloom. While cheating may be on the rise, so too is awareness and conversation around the topic. More and more people are speaking out against infidelity and advocating for healthier relationship dynamics. And that, my friends, is something worth celebrating.

So, what’s the takeaway from all this? Well, for starters, let’s keep the conversation going. Let’s continue to shine a light on the ugly truths of cheating and work together to build a society where honesty, trust, and communication are the norm. Because at the end of the day, we all deserve relationships built on a solid foundation of respect and mutual understanding.

Kit x

Riding the Rollercoaster: Navigating Triggers in the Aftermath of Betrayal

Hey there, beautiful souls! It’s Kit, back with another real-talk blog post. Today, we’re diving into a topic that hits close to home for anyone who’s experienced betrayal: triggers. Yep, those sneaky little buggers that can pop up out of nowhere and send you spiraling into a whirlwind of emotions. So, grab a seat and let’s unpack this rollercoaster ride together.

First off, let’s talk about what triggers actually are. Simply put, triggers are anything – a word, a place, a smell – that reminds you of the betrayal you’ve experienced. And let me tell you, they can hit like a ton of bricks when you least expect it. One minute you’re going about your day, and the next, BAM! You’re flooded with painful memories and overwhelming emotions.

So, what does a trigger feel like for the betrayed person? Well, it’s like being punched in the gut, emotionally speaking. It’s that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, the tightening of your chest, the rush of anger or sadness or fear. It’s like reliving the betrayal all over again, even though you’ve been working so damn hard to move forward.

Now, let’s talk about how the remorseful betrayer should act when a trigger occurs in their partner. First and foremost, it’s all about empathy and understanding. Put yourself in their shoes – imagine how you would feel if the roles were reversed. Acknowledge their pain, validate their emotions, and let them know that you’re there for them, no matter what.

Next, resist the urge to get defensive. I know, I know, it’s natural to want to defend yourself when you feel like you’re being attacked. But trust me, now is not the time. Take a deep breath, listen to what they’re saying, and try to see things from their perspective. Remember, this isn’t about you – it’s about supporting them through their pain.

And finally, be patient. Healing takes time, and triggers are just one small part of the journey. Don’t expect them to just “get over it” – instead, offer them your love, your support, and your unwavering commitment to making things right. Trust me, it’ll mean the world to them.

So, there you have it, folks. Triggers may be shit, but they’re also a natural part of the healing process. So, let’s embrace them, let’s learn from them, and let’s use them as opportunities to grow closer and stronger together.

Kit x

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